Not sure if this refers to what I said in an earlier not about indicating when the process goes into effect.
Harald indicated that process BCP approval is indicated by an indication in the ISOC BoT minutes that the BCP was acceptable.
I have a slight problem with minutes as the criteria. In boards I have served on, minutes are not formal records until they are approved at a later meeting. This leaves any minuted decision in limbo for another meeting interval. For most decisions this is not a big deal. In this case, I think it is somewhat more significant.
Additionally, while the ISOC BoT approves process BCPs, normally they do not place any conditions on ISOC actions. In this case, the IASA BCP does require specific actions from the ISOC BoT.
In this case, I think a ISOC BOT approved document, or official resolution, that calls out this BCP and indicates in clear language its agreement with the terms and conditions of the BCP would be helpful.
I would suggest a section at the front that says something like:.
-- #. Effective date for commencement of IASA
The procedures in this document will become operational immediately after this document has been approved by the process defined in BCP 9 and has been affirmed by a Resolution of agreement by the ISOC board of Trustees.
(alternatively 'immediately after' can be replaced by 'the first day of the following month' or whatever legal/accounting starting point makes sense.)
As I said in a previous email, I trust the ISOC to do the right thing, but I prefer to put our trust in the hands of someone who explicitly accepts the terms under which we grant that trust.
_______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx