[Last-Call] Artart telechat review of draft-ietf-asap-sip-auto-peer-21

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Reviewer: Harald Alvestrand
Review result: Ready with Issues

This document is describing a format for automatically configuring SIP systems
- including telephone and VC systems. As such, it seems well structured and
reasonably complete.

My big worry about the document is its security posture.
It makes the recommended and only described method OAUTH2 with Resource Owner
Password Credentials - in other words, cleartext passwords protected in transit
with HTTPS, but no protection at endpoints (such as two factor or passkey).
This seems very much at odds with good security practice - the statement that
"an SBC that is configured and managed through a CLI and that does not have the
ability to launch a web-browser wouldn't be able to obtain an authorisation
code and subsequently an access token" is patently false for CLI accessed via
terminal emulators - copy/paste of tokens is widely deployed and used in

Apart from that, mostly nits:
- The "reference architecture" has the HTTPS connection with a two headed arrow
- this is a client/server relationship, unlike the others, so should probably
be a directed arrow, not a bidirectional one. - 4.2 says "MUST support the use
of the HTTP URI scheme" - this should be HTTPS to be consistent with the rest
of the document and reasonable security practices - Resource Owner Password
Credentials is referenced without a link to RFC 6749 section 1.3.3 - There's no
example of a config document and a real-life configuration that could be
derived from it; such an example would be very useful in understanding the
point of the document, and would aid anyone attempting to evaluate it for
completeness of info (something I have not done), and would make section 9.2
less of a skeleton.

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