Re: [lamps] PQC Dialogue with Government Stakeholders Side-Meeting at IETF 122 Bangkok

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Hi Rich,


Happy that my mail helped to spread information about public side-meetings :).
I was positively suprised how easy it was. My personal view is that the new system is great.


The information on public side meetings was sent out with the final agenda. Anybody can request a public side-meeting in one of the two side-meeting rooms with WebEx meeting room for remote participants. The meeting rooms are bookable the whole week (mostly 8:00 - 20:00). Public side-meetings are not approved or even reviewed by the IESG, and have no formal standing.


Some backstory on this particular public side-meeting: I commented earlier in LAMPS and TLS that I thought it was inappropriate for IETF poeple to only invite NIST and that it would be good to invite more countries for dialogue. After that, several IETF participants and government officials said that they thought a public side-meeting on PQC would be a good idea. There has also been a lot of discussion and speculation in several groups on what different countries recommend and require.


The meeting is a public meeting where _anybody_ from _any_ country is welcome. I do not represent the IETF in any way. I hope the meeting will lead to an open dialogue and increased understanding between IETF people and government officials. The plan is not to have long presentations, but if _anybody_ want to show a few slides to foster discussion they are very welcome to do so.





From: Salz, Rich <rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, 28 February 2025 at 16:43
To: Salz, Rich <>, John Mattsson <john.mattsson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, iesg@xxxxxxxx <iesg@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: ietf@xxxxxxxx <ietf@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [lamps] PQC Dialogue with Government Stakeholders Side-Meeting at IETF 122 Bangkok

Never mind, apparently Webex and other logistics changed. I must have missed the notice that things changed.  Sorry for the noise.

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