[Last-Call] Re: [Teas] Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-nbi-yang-18

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Hi Bo!

On Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 12:35 PM Wubo (lana) <lana.wubo@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Per,
> Thank you for the valuable review. The -19 version has been submitted to address all the comments:
> Diff:     https://author-tools.ietf.org/iddiff?url2=draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-nbi-yang-19

This import has changed prefix from what is in the originat module
from RFC 8776 from "te-packet-types" to "te-pkt".

 import ietf-te-packet-types {
-    prefix te-pkt;
+    prefix te-packet-types;

I suggest to revert this change and use the modules prefix. The benefit in
a familiar module prefix is much larger than the cost of the extra characters.

> Major issues:
> I wonder how the /network-slice-services/slice-service/sdps/sdp\
> /service-match-criteria/match-criterion/match-type/value leaf-list values will be used in practice. The type is "string" without any constrains and the description states "Provides a value for the Slice Service match criteria, e.g., IP prefix, VLAN ID, or ACL name."
> As a model consumer I would expect the type to enforce the valid values depending on type, e.g. choice with inet:dscp, inet:ip-prefix, string with length "1..64" for acl name etc. Since there are no restrictions on valid values, what happens when an invalid value is entered; e.g.
> empty string? Having the constraints defined in YANG enable errors to be found early.
> There is no discussion of error cases for the service-match-critera, only the examples in the appendix.
> [Bo Wu]Thank you for identifying this critical issue and providing modification suggestions. In the -19 version, the new YANG code has been added as follows:


> Minor issues:
> The node "compute-only" might be better recognized if it was named "dry-run". This is commonly used in network products and also in other computer science and engineering fields.
> Also, the <test-option> element mentioned needs to be supported, i.e.
> the :validate:1.1 capability needs to be advertised). Suggest mentioning that this only works if it is supported by the server.
> [Bo Wu]Thank you for this suggestion. In the -19 version, we are considering to use “test-only” to replace "compute-only", because the AC service model, approaching RFC publication, named the same mechanism as ‘test-only,’ aligning with the NETCONF.
> On the ‘:validate:1.1’ capability, we think this constraints is already described in the NETCONF ‘test-only’ referenced section, which is clear.

Good to me!

> Figure 9: Application of Match Critera; The formatting is off for the overarching NSS descriptor and it would be beneficial with a legend explaining the "x" and "%" symbols. I guess they indicate different matching criterias per connectivity construct between SDP16 and SDP17?
> [Bo Wu]Thanks for the suggestion. The -19 version has been updated accordingly.


> The example in Figure 23 for establishing a YANG-Push subscription over RESTCONF is wrong. Since YANG-Push is used, "ietf-yang-push:datastore"
> needs to be in the input parameters and the correct subtree filter tag is "ietf-yang-push:datastore-subtree-filter" and not "stream-subtree-filter".
> Furthermore, since the example is using YANG-Push over RESTCONF, add a normative reference to RFC 8650.
> [Bo Wu] Thanks for catching this issue. We have corrected with "ietf-yang-push:datastore-subtree-filter".

You still need to add the "ietf-yang-push:datastore" node to the
RPC input parameters, e.g. something like


> And we also added RFC 8650 as informative reference, since this is only a example and the YANG model not limited to RESTCONF and NETCONF, also RESTful etc.

Of course, I just want the example in Figure 23 to be correct YANG-Push.

> The example in Figure 35 includes the JSON
>     "status": {}
> But in ac-common "status" is defined as a non-presence container. It should probably not be visible if no child node exists. I know that some implementations might show NP containers even when they have no child nodes, but this is confusing as far as an example in an RFC goes IMHO.
> [Bo Wu] Thanks again for identifying this issue. In -19 version, all the examples in the appendix, we added slice-level “admin-status” and removed the empty “status” at other levels. We hope this is clear.
>   "status": {
>     "admin-status": {
>       "status": "ietf-vpn-common:admin-up"
>     }

Yes, good!

> The following idnits warnings should be attended:
> draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slice-nbi-yang-17.txt:
>   Miscellaneous warnings:
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   == The copyright year in the IETF Trust and authors Copyright Line does not
>      match the current year
>   == Line 5329 has weird spacing: '... cos-id    uin...'
>   == Line 5347 has weird spacing: '... cos-id    uin...'
>   == Line 5390 has weird spacing: '... cos-id    uin...'
>   == Line 5408 has weird spacing: '... cos-id    uin...'
>   -- The document date (20 December 2024) is 32 days in the past.  Is this
>      intentional?
>   Checking references for intended status: Proposed Standard
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      (See RFCs 3967 and 4897 for information about using normative references
>      to lower-maturity documents in RFCs)
>   == Outdated reference: A later version (-19) exists of
>      draft-ietf-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit-18
>   == Outdated reference: A later version (-14) exists of
>      draft-ietf-opsawg-teas-common-ac-13
>   ** Downref: Normative reference to an Informational RFC: RFC 9543
>      Summary: 1 error (**), 0 flaws (~~), 7 warnings (==), 1 comment (--).
> [Bo Wu] Thank you for reminding us. There is one issue not sure that the spacing issues are from the YANG tree generated by pyang. Perhaps wrong warning?
> We fixed copyright to 2025. And the AC references will be fixed when the AC document is published.

I just thought I would at least mention them, thanks!

I don't know about the YANG warning, maybe that should be looked
into by YANG Doctors.


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