From: Eliot Lear <lear@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, 25 December 2024 at 09:23
To: Ross Finlayson <finlayson@xxxxxxxxxxx>, IETF discussion list <ietf@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: "Historic" is wrong
We're not net.cops. Happy holidays.
On 25.12.2024 00:23, Ross Finlayson wrote:
Here’s an off-the-wall idea that you can either mull over or laugh at over Christmas (whether or not you celebrate it):
Instead of labeling RFCs with a single adjective (that may be ambiguous or easily misunderstood), why not instead label RFCs with a directive about what we want readers to actually do with its contents? E.g.,
- This protocol is insecure; do not implement it
- Do not implement this version; refer to an updated RFC instead