If we keep loudly worrying about the conference being under-attended, we can be pretty sure it will be full. Matter of face.
I won't be there for obvious reasons.
On Sat, Sep 21, 2024 at 10:53 PM George Michaelson <ggm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Flight cost for most of Asia to Beijing is probably 1/2 to 1/3 of Australia. Plus, masses of Chinese will come.I would expect Beijing to have less core 5+ ietf attendees and more newcomers and to probably break even.No disagreement with much of what you say but I think assuming it will be like Brisbane is a mistake.GOn Sun, 22 Sept 2024, 12:48 pm John Levine, <johnl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:It appears that Ole Jacobsen <olejacobsen@xxxxxx> said:
>So, sure, let's make sure the fine print is read and understood.
I don't see how that helps.
While I do not doubt the good faith of the people we are dealing with, I also do not see
how they can make promises they can keep. If someone from the government shows up when
we're setting up the network, after we have booked hotels and bought plane tickets, and
says new rule, everyone has to log in with their badge number and you have to use this
upstream connection we approve of, what are we going to do? We and our hosts have no
leverage. I realize that hypothetically this could happen anywhere, but experience tells
us it's more likely in China than in other places we have met.
I'm also wondering about the financial issues since there are a lot of people (like me)
who would go to other places in Asia who won't go to China. Looking at the LLC's statments
I see that Brisbane had 687 in-person and 742 remote, while Vancouver had 833/681. The
notes say Brisbane had 189 fewer in person and 133 more remote than budgeted. No relative
counts for Vancouver yet but the budget expected higher registration income for Brisbane
than for Vancouver which seems unlikely.
I wouldn't expect a China meeting to have a lot more in-person attendees than Brisbane so
it would also be very expensive, perhaps needlessly so.