[move CC to ietf@] IETF Executive Director <exec-director@xxxxxxxx> writes:
The results of the IETF 119 Brisbane post-meeting survey are now available: https://www.ietf.org/blog/ietf-119-post-meeting-survey/ Please feel to contact me directly if you have any questions.
** On remote attendance: Attendance in Brisbane Australia was down to 66% that of Prague and forced remote attendance (would have attended but couldn't fund) increased to 75% from 60%. I think these results should definitely be made (more?) obvious so the community can make sure that it agrees with the IETF's choices for locations for meetings -- that we are enabling people to attend in person vs. placing barriers to the same. Also could you provide what percentage of the total registered attendees for the past few meetings was remote? That would be useful too. Total registrations: 117 San Francisco: 1579 118 Prague: 1806 119 Brisbane: 1206 ** On Barista, Coffee: For the sake of us remote attendees, can you expand on "Yes, sorry."? Was it missing, was it bad? :) Thanks, Chris.