On 1/26/2024 1:10 PM, John R Levine wrote:
It appears that Stephen Farrell <stephen.farrell@xxxxxxxxx> said:
On 26/01/2024 19:41, Christian Huitema wrote:
I did not see in the draft a discussion of the "tombstone" practice,
I quite like that rarely-done practice, but regardless of what
one thinks of Martin's draft, I think it'd be better to try
encourage more tombstones via it's own draft. (Would be happy
to help someone do such if some else is interested.)
Unless the plan is to have the tombstone contain text from the authors
explaining why they abandoned the draft (good luck with that), what
advantage would that have over the datatracker saying the draft is
I think Ben mentioned later that the tombstone practice is rarely used,
but that it allows the authors to pass a powerful message. I agree that
most authors don't have the time to do that. Today, most authors do
nothing. Tomorrow, I can imagine a fraction of them pushing a button
saying "yes, it is expired", if only because they would rather not
engage on further discussions of the subject. Adding a comment option
would be nice.
-- Christian Huitema