Is publishing plans for a nuclear weapon free speech? Seems so. Why is this OK? Because it’s still really hard to build
a nuclear weapon.
Working on Internet security, I’ve asked myself why we need such a high bar, when locks on common doors are so poor. The answer is scale. You can attack a million computers from 10,000 miles away much easier than 1 million common doors.
Published SW can just run. There’s no difficult building as for nuclear weapons. It is a product that can directly do something, not just speech. I can see that the much easier use of SW for malfeasance motivates putting SW in a class different
from free speech. This may be necessary to maintain safety in our world, particularly with AI. I can see why the Commission Vittorio mentions has classified it as industrial product.
Disclaimer — if you put me in charge of some decision here, I don’t know what I’d do. I also see the value of open source and the difficulty of restricting it.