Speaking wearing no hats other than my own…
I’m going to stay out of the rest of this discussion for various reasons – suffice to say that I believe that any statement on an issue such as this which highlights
concerns should facilitate discussion to resolution of the concerns, and should, in my opinion, be conducive to engagement, and non-antagonistic – since it is via engagement that we find common ground on any topic. People can decide for themselves if they
agree with me on that, and if that statement meets that bar.
I will however comment on this…
>> I am okay if a government makes open
>> source illegal to disable that open source feature.
You may be – I am not – because the consequences of banning opensource would be directly detrimental to the Internet and its development. It would prevent running
code implementations to test standards, it would harm the development community, and it would do endless amounts of damage. So – while you are free to hold that opinion, I can’t in good faith sit here and say that I think that making opensource illegal wouldn’t
be utterly insane – entirely unworkable – and massively detrimental to the Internet at large.