First hack at Wednesday Plenary notes

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1930-2200 Plenary - IETF Business Meeting - Grande Ballroom

- Welcome, and introduction - Harald Alvestrand

Wednesday is state of the union, Thursday is planning for the future

1511 registered attendees, 40 countries, about half are US

Fall IETF is in Washington, DC with Alcatel as sponsor

- Thanks to the Tech Team - Jim Martin

The network that almost wasn't - no local host, 80% of equioment lost in shipping,

current network built entirely out of last second replacement equipment from Cisco, Priotity Networks, and others.

Peaks of 17 Mbps in both directions, with IPv6 and IPv4 multicast

Down from 35 G access points to 20 B access points, with three networks (Open, WEP, 802.1X)

Using 4 remote probes with AirMagnet for monitoring

1532 unique MACs, peak of 890 simultaneous users, peak of 143 associations on one AP

Network entirely done by volunteers this time, with entirely donated equipment (Cisco gave twice!)

- Jon Postel Award (ISOC) - Steve Crocker

This year's recipient is Phil Gross, co-founder of the IETF, for his contribution to the Internet standardization process

Letter, globe, check for $20,000

Being chair of IETF is like being mayor of New York - 60 percent approval is good, but every good decision is a different

60 percent

IETF started different - idea was that technologists could work for the common good and base choices on technical merit

Our areas were working groups in the beginning - and everybody wanted to go to all the working group meetings

IETF is going through issues now, and they aren't small, but IETF has gone through difficult times before - remember the

first time we invited industry? charged admission? created the IESG? the protocol wars? ANSI S3X3 could have been the

IETF - things could have been very different!

- State of operations:

RFC Editor report

IANA report

IESG operations (Allison Mankin, Bill Fenner)

Reporting trends since 2003, measuring intervals between IETFs (so some measurement anomolies, because time period varies

Data shows IESG and community both becoming more responsive - timeliness seems to be positive feedback loop

More WG recharters this year than in all of 2003 - could we be paying more attention to charters?

Want to make monthly data available

- Update from the PROTO (Process Team) work (Margaret and Henryk)

Goal is WG chair shepherding through document review and approval process

Small changes, don't require modifications to 2026 or 2418

AD still has review and approval roles - shepherding role is delegated

draft-ietf-proto-shepherding-00.txt describes shepherding role

draft-ietf-proto-wgchair-doc-shepherding-01.txt describes process changes

Moving to a larger-scale experiment of this change

- Who's in charge of the Internet: The WSIS Deliberations (Robert Kahn, CNRI)

US and other developed nations think things are just fine

Other developing nations think somebody needs to be in charge of the Internet - they think UN is best suited to provide leadership

Very decentralized system of cooperation, coordination and interaction

"If UN controlled ICANN, they would control the Internet"

Standardization mostly ignored, at least so far

Phase I of WSIS in December 2003 had about 12,000 attendees - finally took Internet Governance off the agenda

UN working group to look at this in preparation for Phase II of WSIS in November 2005, in Tunis

Interim activities taking place throughout 2004 - theme meetings on topics like spam

Bob asking for research community reengagement

IETF now in the gunsights

Difficult to get agreement on definition of "Internet Governance" - UN isn't monolithic, either

Lots of reading materials available

ICANN being attacked because they aren't part of the UN

- Review of Architectural Activities

IAB Chair report

Most recent published document (in queue) is on research funding (see IAB website)

Planning messaging workshop in September/October timeframe

Also working on liaison mechanics (see drafts) - will be coming out for community last call

IRTF Chair report

13 groups now in IRTF

ASRG related to MARID WG meeting at this IETF

CryptoForum RG actually supports IETF WGs with crypto questions

DTNRG showing a lot of activity (and meeting at this IETF)

HIP RG working on indirection infrastructure, operation over NATs, rendezvous mechanisms, API

MOBOPTS also working closely with IETF mobility WGs

Network Management Research Group focused on XML-based management, SMIng specs published

Routing RG focused on scalability, BGP stability, requirements for next-gen routing, history of routing protocols

Services Management actively looking for participants

- IAB Open Plenary

No questions at all - amazing!

- IESG Open Plenary

Are we doing better? (applause) - we're trying to get somewhere

Recent changes in Internet Draft submission requirements - "semi-bounced" with "does not conform" - doesn't help discussion

We're tardy in reflecting RFC 3667/3668 changes, and even more tardy in telling you about the changes

We need to have the IPR copyright boilerplate right, even in IDs - this has already been a problem, and we're reacting

Experience is much better than several years ago (when working on SLP)

There have been significant and important improvements

Does OPS sub-area not develop protocols? Is this a real rule? In general, this is true, but we listen to reason

ID Nits document is really an RFC Nits document - formatting restrictions, etc. don't matter early in the process

There are two documents, and we're not good at point out which is which - and the only real requirement is copyright

IDs are read and reviewed - make them as reviewable as possible



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