Hello Rob,
In addition to what Randy (with whom I had the pleasure of chairing the
WG) already wrote, I have a few questions/comments below.
On 2023-08-17 09:24, Rob Sayre wrote:
I think the documents in LTRU suffered.
For example, one might point to:
"Sometimes language tags are used to indicate additional language
attributes of content."
So, here you have a questionable preposition. These documents all have
them, and the documents seem to have quality issues as a result.
Can you explain what's questionable about this proposition? Sorry, not
online now, so without context, but this sentence seem quite fine to me.
If it's that it sounds vague, then that may well be, but I don't think
that the WG (or at least part of the WG) meeting in person at an IETF
would have changed that. How to tag text with language tags is
inherently more 'fuzzy' than e.g. the state machine in a protocol such
as TCP. The WG members worked very hard (sometimes in my opinion even a
bit too hard) to eliminate any ambiguities where that was possible, but
they very much understood the boundaries.
If anything, meeting at an IETF might have helped non-WG IETFers to
understand that this vagueness is an inherent property of some parts of
the language tagging task. But the outreach effect of a few drop-ins
from other WGs and Areas attending IETF WG meeting is probably not very
high. And the same or a stronger effect may be achieved (I hope) with a
discussion such as this one or an informational document (which I might
try to write if it turns out there is a real need for it).
Regards, Martin.