We could probably go back to something like the old NIC handle, create a registry that can be updated and include that handle as a reference in documents/etc. My 02 -Jorge > On Aug 17, 2023, at 04:53, tom petch <daedulus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Is there anywhere, RFC Editor possibly, that tracks changes of e-mail addresses for contributors? > I just posted a response to an Erratum and got a number of bounces, one of which was a change of address, change of affiliation, for an AD; this is something which could equally apply to any author. > I have also seen WG Chairs struggle to contact RFC authors in relationship to IPR issues or with respect to updating an elderly RFC, likewise IANA with regard to registrations.. > It would seem to me that it matters, sometimes more than others, that we can still contact people who have contributed in the past. > > Tom Petch