Hi Martin,
I see your Last Call Review is still marked as "Not Ready": https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/review-ietf-calext-jscontact-07-artart-lc-duerst-2023-04-21/
Since version 7 we have updated the specification including your feedback. We believe current version 13 addresses all your points, except for a full-blown Card example. We are in the process of finishing interoperation tests, after which I will add this example to the document.
Could you please recheck if "Not Ready" still is valid? If so, could you please let me know what you would like see addressed in the document?
On Fri, Apr 21, 2023, at 11:43 AM, Martin Dürst via Datatracker wrote:
Reviewer: Martin DürstReview result: Not ReadySummary: The document isn't ready for publication.[This is essentially a *really* hard problem (*). If some of the issuesraised below are not addressed, they should at least be clearlydocumented.(*) I know several people close to the Unicode consortium who have worked onthese issues; they essentially never thought they were done :-(][version reviewed: mostly -07, to some extent checked against -10]Major issues:- The format uses @type (and probably @version) in a way very similarto JSON-LD (to the extent that somebody at IETF 116 told me it wasJSON-LD), but at least the fact that @context is missing seems tostrongly indicate that it's not JSON-LD. The idiosyncratic waydata is arranged in the format, often with way more levels thanwhat a straightforward design might produce, would be much easierto swallow if the document clearly indicated what kind of generalconventions it used, and how these conventions were similar anddifferent from more well-known conventions (such as JSON-LD).Of course, even better that just documentation would be to fixthings so that the format isn't idiosyncratic, but uses wellestablished and documented conventions.- It says (at the start of Section 1) that this is an alternative tovCard (and xCard and jCard). It should explain more clearly (assuming)e.g. that the underlying format is JSON in what cases jCard should bechosen and in what cases JSContact. Just defining "yet another format"doesn't make sense.- I'm not usually doing this, but by chance, I read the Gen-ART reviewfor this document. I fully support it. In particular with respect tolegal vs. preferred names, there's also the example of researcherspreferring to use their maiden name in an academic context, and thereare cases of people with multiple nationalities that may havedifferent names in each nationality because of legal requirements(the last case is orthogonal to the locale/script issue).- In Japanese, it is very important to not only have the name itself(usually in Kanji), but also its pronunciation. Same for addresses.Some names (e.g. 田中/Tanaka) are read without problems by anybodyin Japan, but there are others which are essentially impossible toread without separate information. The spec should clearly indicatehow pronunciation for names and addresses is indicated to cover this.Such information is given on most forms, and exists in most databases.(English has a similar problem, but ignores it, because you can alwaysget somewhat close to the real pronunciation; in Japanese, that'sdifferent.)- Some (names or) addresses in the Near East (Arabic/Hebrew/... script)may contain data of mixed directionality (right-to-left as well asleft-to-right). The document contains absolutely no information abouthow to deal with such issues.- The way a name (and some other information) can be composed ofcomponents, together with extensibility, provides a lot of mileageto deal with the very wide variety of name components and formats.However, there are several issues:1) Reuse where it's only halfway appropriate.In an example in Figure 31, the document uses "type": "middle"for a Russian patronymic. This seems to be based on theinterpretation that the patronymic is "kind of like amiddle name". But it's only "kind of". A patronymic wouldn'tbe initialized, whereas a middle name e.g. in the US is extremelyfrequently only given as an initial.2) Definition by example: Figure 31 is only an example. Does itmean Russian patronymics should be labeled as "type": "middle",or what else?3) Extensibility will be needed for many countries and cultures,but most of these are not used to proactively register thingswith IANA, because they may assume they have to fit into thebase scheme, or because they do not understand the value ofsuch registrations.4) Depending on culture and language, there are many differentways to address or refer to a person.- When names,... are composed, the default is to use a space asa separator. There are many scripts (Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Thai/...) where words, and therefore (at least in running text)name components are not separated. In the current design (as Iunderstand it), that would mean to add separator fieldsbetween every pair of field. It would be good to have somethinglike a "default separator" to not have to repeat one and thesame separator several times.- There are many examples for parts of the specification, but nooverall example.Details:Introduction:"The attributes of the card data represented must be described as a simplekey-value pair, reducing complexity of its representation." -> "The attributesof the card data represented must be described as simple key-value pairs,reducing complexity of their representation."1.9.1: What about case sensitivity? ABNF is case insensitive, butas far as I understand, JSON object keys are case sensitive.Figure 1: Why does the ABNF syntax just above not need a figure number,but then all the examples need one? Labeling text as "Figure" looksweird, "Example" would be better, but is probably also not needed.2. Card: This starts without any introductory sentence whatever.Such a sentence should be added. It's also unclear to me why thisspecification uses the term "card" when the title uses the word"contact" twice, but never card. It might be better to change thisto "contact".The mime type says "application/jscontact+json;type=card".It's unclear why "type=card" is needed. The only thing containedin the jscontact spec are cards, so application/jscontact+jsonshould be enough.2.1.5 locale, and 2.7.1: It may often be the case that a singleset of data could be suited for more than one locale, but thiscannot be expressed currently.The spec forces one of the locales to be the 'main' locale, the others to belocalizations. This is quite in contrast to most other parts, wherealternatives are treated on an equal footing, maybe with some preferenceindication. Why this inbalance? It may be inappropriate for some applicationsor users. (what if there's a requirement to treat different localizations asequivalent?)2.1.6: Using 'true' values rather than simply an array of UUIDsseems somewhat abstruse. Where does this kind of stuff come from?2.1.7: Why does this use SGML syntax? Is that mandatory? Say whatvalues are allowed here and what not.2.2.1: Probably due to xml2rfc or some other software, this hasdouble spaces after periods where very clearly, there should beonly one period ("Mr. John Q. Public, Esq.").2.2.4, organizations: The example in Figure 15 has two units.Is the order of the units outside in or inside out? Or is thisan example for a matrix organization?2.3.2: Why do 'impp' and 'uri' have to be distinguished? Thisshould be clear from the URI scheme in the "user" field.2.3.3: "cell": Please change this to "mobile", which is way morepopular according to Google ("cell" really sounds antiquated tome, but your mileage may vary).2.3.4: "preferredContactChannels" and "ContactChannelPreference"seem to be a waste of bytes (but only the most egregious out ofmany).2.5.1: "street": There are countries (in particular Japan) thatdo not use street addresses, but a more hierarchical block-basedsystem. The spec should say that the "street" field includes suchcases, or should explain how to denote them.Why are separators ignoreable in "street"?In Figure 25, why are numbers given before names in the fullAddressfield, but after in the StreetComponents?2.6.3: Why are there no "kind"s for blogs, web pages,...?2.6.4: "The resource is a photograph or avatar." ->"The resource is a photograph of the person or picture of their (one of their)avatar(s).": In my understanding, a jpeg file isn't an avatar, but just arendition of an avatar. An avatar may be 3-dimensional, or have variousdifferent renderings,..."graphic image or logo associated with entity" ->"graphic image or logo associated with the entity"2.7.1: "a localized Card SHOULD NOT contain more information than itsnon-localized variant": Also say that the information shouldn't be different.On top of that the "localizations" structure is part of the card, so the term"localized Card" doesn't seem appropriate here. (It would be appropriate for aseparate card that is a localized version.)Figure 31: What is the notation used in "addresses/addr1/locality"?I assume a path indicating what to patch. But then, Figure 32 doesn'tuse this syntax. Why not?2.8.1, kind: "This RFC defines a small set of common anniversary types,additional types MAY be registered at IANA (Section 4.6.2)": Don't talk abouttypes when you label them "kind". Also, the language for extension by RFC orregistration or private use is not consistent throughout the spec. If there'sone single way of doing extensions (i.e. all extension points allow definitionby additional RFCs and IANA registrations and private stuff), then clearly sayso somewhere, and define a short term for this kind of extensibility. If thereare two or three different ways to do this (e.g. some places, privateextensions are allowed, but others not), then again define the variouscategories in a single place and then use the defined terms."Note that for calendar systems with leap months, the year property might berequired to convert between the Gregorian calendar date and the respectivecalendar system." This is not limited to calendar systems with leap months. Itwould be the case for a calendar with 12 months of 30 days each, too.2.8.2, keywords: See above at "This is free-text, but future specifications MAY restrict allowedvalues depending on the type of this PersonalInfo.": It should be made clearthat such restrictions will not be applied to the currently defined kinds(expertise, hobby, interest). Otherwise, we have a compatibility problem.3. "status of known implementations of the protocol": This is not aprotocol, but a format. The fact that only one implementation seems to exist,and only in alpha, doesn't necessarily support moving this spec forward quickly.4.1: See above at 2. The "type" parameter seems unnecessary.For fields that say "this document", replace with "RFC XXXX".Shortly before 4.3.1: "check it is coherent" -> "check whether it is coherent"Both Table 3 and table 4 have the same title, but totally different content.Please check.Security Considerations:Probably worth mentioning that data should only be collected and distributed ona need-to-know basis."JSON uses opening and closing tags for several types and structures"It's the first time I have seen {, }, [, and ] being called "tags"." Since JSON does not use explicit string lengths, the risk of denial ofservice due to resource exhaustion is small": Not sure about this. It alldepends on the implementation. An implementation may believe a large stringlength, or it may allocate a large buffer just in case because it doesn't haveany information about string length.
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