Hi Adrian,
On Wed, Jan 4, 2023 at 1:10 AM Adrian Gropper <agropper@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's thrilling to see a thread about protocols in the HRPC context.Structural changes are needed to IETF protocols to promote human rights considerations. Some of these, like this thread, look like privacy. Others, like the GNAP discussions (https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/hrpc/FW78YvFerkFHsrYDFcSWp-SYNqI/), are about human rights impact of forced association.HRPC needs exactly this kind of discussion instead of distracting changes to the charter in the direction of policy.
I agree with you, the HRPC should not be directed into policy. It was a proposal/opinion and still has no consensus.
I hope HRPC and related groups review our 5-year history as evidence before we suggest changes to the charter.
I agree, there are many problems in the tech_protocol side before human_policy so we need to research the protocol before policy. The questions in first message of this thread may open many important ideas, points and tasks for the HRPC RG. All IETF WGs should take human rights considerations and look into HRPC outcomes.
Best regards