We reject: kings, presidents and voting.
We believe in: court orders when advised by counsel.
I'm sorry, it just doesn't have the same ring to it.Lloyd Wood lloyd.wood@xxxxxxxxxxx On 30 Jun 2022, at 20:30, Jay Daley <exec-director@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
LloydOn 30 Jun 2022, at 11:16, Lloyd W <lloyd.wood@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
please define the courts with jurisdiction over IETF LLC.
I’m assuming you're asking me to list the courts with jurisdiction rather than define what that means, but apologies if I've got that wrong. I personally don’t know that list and I don’t see any value in paying someone to list them out for us. If a court issues the IETF LLC a court order then our counsel will advise us if that court has jurisdiction and that’s sufficient for our needs.Jay
Lloyd Wood
On 30 Jun 2022, at 20:00, Jay Daley <exec-director@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Your email below makes it sound as if the LLC has unilaterally declared that it will be doing this when in reality this is clearly introduced as a consultation on a possible policy. The consultation even asks if the LLC is the best body to run this consultation. The full text of the announcement is here:
On 30 Jun 2022, at 10:36, S Moonesamy <sm+ietf@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The IETF Administration LLC sent an announcement about legal advice which it received in regards to "specific circumstances where it may need to restrict an individual's access to IETF IT systems or face potentially serious legal consequences".
There is a scope limitation in BCP 101:
"The document does not propose any changes related to the standards
process as currently conducted by the Internet Engineering Steering
Group (IESG) and Internet Architecture Board (IAB) (see BCP 9
[RFC2026] and BCP 39 [RFC2850])."
A participant would not be able to send this email to this mailing list if he/she was blocked by the IETF IT system used for this mailing list. It is unclear whether this mailing list is still viewed as one of the venues related to the standards process. However, there are other mailing lists, e.g. last-call@, which is a venue related to the standards process. There wasn't any restriction of access (by email) to the standards process for well over a decade. I don't remember seeing RFC 8716 invoked over the last two years. It is very unfortunate that the consultation is not within the scope specified in BCP 101. Furthermore, there isn't any evidence of a problem with respect to RFC 8716.
S. Moonesamy
Jay Daley
IETF Executive Director
-- Jay DaleyIETF Executive Directorexec-director@xxxxxxxx