The War in Ukraine leaves us with completely no doubt as the importance of Simplex HF/VHF/UHF radio communications system. Most of the Russian and Ukrainian Fighters are using a Baofeng of one kind or another BF888S, UV82 or UV5R. China is undoubtedly the market leader in this field with many other companies in the higher income country segment.
USA, UK, Europe etc. cannot Lead in the field for many years to come because they have too much OPPRESSIVE regulation. At least in this realm the Chinese are for once leading in Freedom of Technology.
China has also got highly specialized systems, for the Civilian Market e.g. QYT CB 58 a Handheld HF Communication Radio
Given the ubiquity of these systems we need innovations to plug into them, Handheld data terminals, Bluetooth, Encryption Speaker Sets, Money Transfer Systems, etc. It is a bold now World, it is disruptive and the West largely populated by License "Hams" some call them Sad "Hams" and Mobile Telephony are none the wiser.
Those innovations should apply to both Legacy Mobile Radio and Digital Mobile Radio Systems if not other Digital Modes that are now becoming a zoo of competition.
Nyagudi Musandu Nyagudi