On 6/7/22 10:24 AM, Keith Moore wrote:
[snip]On 6/7/22 12:45, Mary B wrote:
And, statistically, your risk of death from a gunshot from a mass shooting event (which is 1% of gun deaths in the US) is much lower than other causes
If you get shot, you probably don't care whether it's from a mass shooting event or from some other cause. As you implicitly point out, there are many more deaths from firearms in the US than from mass shooting events. So why would we only consider mass shooting events in this discussion?
Well because the vast majority of gun deaths in the USA are suicides. I mean,
you probably DO care if you're doing shooting yourself intentionally. Many of
the remaining deaths (homicides) are gang-banger and/or drug crime related.
So assuming IETFers aren't running a drug crime side hustle at a conference I
think the worry really should just be over mass shooting events which are rare
and always seem to happen in gun-free zones (which shouldn't be a surprise
when you think about it).
And if we care about mass shootings then the US is not the most dangerous
place. Actually, on a mean death per million from mass shooting Norway is.
The US is 11th, after than other dangerous places like Belgium, Finland, and
-- "The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius