My goal is to sufficiently solve the problem so that I spend a negligible
amount of time dealing with unwanted communications.
You keep setting up this binary success/failure.
No, really, I'm not. We've been looking at the online introduction
problem for decades, and the real life introduction problem for millenia.
Everything you propose has been tried before. Much of it sort of works,
sometimes, but none of it well enough that it's worth a large upheaval to
Well, OK, but I can do that with procmail. Or Boxbe.
Not for your telephone calls you can't.
Well, not with procmail but with something similar. You're making some
unwarranted assumptions about how my phone works.
I am not claiming originality. Far from it. I am providing an
infrastructure which allows you to reduce the spam problem to the
introductions problem and then apply any techniques available to the
introductions problem.
Good luck, but I'm not planning to shop for any gold trophies any time soon.