On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 12:50 PM Andrew Sullivan <sullivan@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 12:45:40PM -0500, Michael Richardson wrote:
>I read your document. Who would approve this document after review?
I would :) It's a statement of my intent, in effect.
>What I noticed is that your document did not do is specify any kind of timeline.
The timeline is specified in RFC 8713.
>Allison and later I, when Kathryn was new, tried to have the new nomcom chair
>selected prior to the November meeting, rather than around the March meeting.
>The idea was that the new chair ("chair-elect") could be invited by the
>existing cmte to observe and learn. There were objections to this that it
>turned a ~20 month appointment (March year 1 to November year 2 as
>past-chair), into a ~25 month appointment (November year 0 to November year 2).
>I felt that this wasn't that big a deal: most of the November/April year 0/1
>time would be idle, and the learning curve would be so much softer that it
>would not be a problem.
Well, Kathy told me that she tried it but it didn't work because
people objected to the service duration (especially since the
commitment is 2 years, effectively, due to the Past Chair role).
>Another thing that I think is important is for the ISOC or LLC to have a
>bit more funds to support the nomcom chair. The secretariat already tries to
>comp/uprade the nomcom chair's room at the hotel if they can, but this is an
>informal arrangement.
I actually thought about offering an honorarium to try to induce
people to take this job, but as soon as I mooted that suggestion I got
some pretty angry email so I abandoned it. If the IETF wants to waive
the meeting fees or pay travel or so forth, I think that's something
for the IETF to determine and not me, so it's out of scope for this document.
[MB] Past Nomcoms had a dinner at the March IETF that was part of the Nomcom budget. So, that was at least something to show the work was appreciated. And, in general leadership is given some sort of gift and given plaques when they've served 2 or more years, so it does seem appropriate that Nomcom chairs, who also serve the community for 2 years, also get some token recognition other than a name on slides. [/MB]
Best regards,
Andrew Sullivan
President & CEO, Internet Society
+1 416 731 1261