Sent from my iPad > On 6 Oct 2021, at 02:17, Keith Moore <moore@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > On 10/4/21 1:04 PM, Salz, Rich wrote: > >> Making the AD job smaller has been mentioned, but there are other ways, including adding more Area Directors, splitting the Areas up smaller, stopping the semi-automatic renewal of an AD for a second term and probably others. > Decades ago I became convinced that there's an inherent scaling limit to IETF's structure; that there's a limit to how many WGs and Areas and WGs/area the IETF could support even if you can scare up enough ADs. At that time I believed the IETF had already past the point of diminishing returns. > > Since that time, significant efforts have been made, with some positive results. For instance, area directorates are now much more effective and useful. > > And yet, I haven't seen anything to convince me that the fundamental limits I saw in the late 1990s have been addressed, and overall I think we are in worse shape now than we were then. (to be fair, the Internet faces very different challenges now, so it's not an entirely fair comparison.) > > Keith One of the big differences between now and then is the number of part time ADs which offsets the scaling improvements that directorates provide. The other big difference is that those making money out of the internet now seem to regard it as a natural resource to be exploited and not something to invest in as was done in the past. Stewart > >