Hi Andrew, Yes, a small error is here – I did warn in the initial message. Registration could ask for desired Time Zone. IMHO: it would not change the conclusion, but better to calculate. What may change +-1h the time is the personal choice for what is the middle of sleeping hours. My current assumption for 2am is not right for many people. I am typically late – 4am is the middle of sleep for me. Ed/ From: Andrew G. Malis [mailto:agmalis@xxxxxxxxx]
Eduard, You need to better calibrate the US attendees. You have all US attendees in TZ UTC-7, but I'm in UTC-4. You actually need to better calibrate the attendees from any nation that has more than one time zone. Cheers, Andy On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 2:14 PM Vasilenko Eduard <vasilenko.eduard@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: