1) Connecting to Ring doorbell on my phone ...
Log into my Nest account on the Web, get bounced to Google accounts to log in. Can now view the status of my thermostat but not the status of my doorbell because the whole point here is making people dependent on subscription services. ...
I have a dandy thermostat powered by two AA batteries that makes it warmer in the morning and cooler in the evening. (We don't have central A/C.) It cost under $20. My father's house had a Nest which I found to be worse in every way, harder to program, didn't do what I wanted, cost ten times as much. Fortunately, I do not live the kind of life in which it would be imoportant to change the heat schedule when I am not in the house.
I suppose for people who like this stuff it would make more sense to take a tip from wifi and arrange for pairing by pushing a button when you are physically next to the device. There is probably some standards work we could do, something like a physical proximity profile for SASL.
Regards, John Levine, johnl@xxxxxxxxx, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies", Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly