On 24 Feb 2021, at 11:39, Bron Gondwana <brong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Does the following meet your needs? You type your email address into {The Bat} to begin configuration. {The Bat} does discovery [1][2] to locate the OAuth/OIDC server for {My ISP}. The discovery document reveals that {My ISP} supports open dynamic client registration [3][4] so {The Bat} registers and gets issued with a client id and client secret. {The Bat} then does a normal OAuth flow to get an access token to access your emails from {My ISP}. If you later stop using {The Bat} you can go to your page on {My ISP} and revoke its access because it has a unique client id.
That’s fine for your use-case, but that isn’t everybody’s use-case. Other use-cases (such as Open Banking) involve regulatory or policy frameworks in which open dynamic client registration is not appropriate. JMAP could have an RFC describing the use of OAuth with JMAP that mandates open dynamic client registration and discovery. — Neil ForgeRock values your Privacy |