On 24/1/21 01:52, Joe Touch wrote:
On Jan 23, 2021, at 8:37 PM, Fernando Gont <fgont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 23/1/21 14:12, Joe Touch wrote:
On Jan 22, 2021, at 11:37 PM, Fernando Gont <fgont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
One *internet-draft* certainly doesn't undermine E2E. However, I guess
that an *RFC* published as a "Proposed Standard" probably does (undermine) E2E?
Not when it doesn’t update the hundreds of other standards that don’t.
It doesn't formally update them, true. But it is a de-facto update: behavior that goes against such other standards has been approved as PS.
There is no such thing as de facto updates.
defacto update = a document that is doing something that goes against
existing specs and documents. It fails to formally update existing
documents, as well as having existing "Update" tags -- still, it changes
the assumtions and behaviors of said specs.
(Do I like that? -- Of course not)
You’re confusing the “let a thousand flowers bloom” approach with a change in architecture.
"Let a thousand flowers bloom" would possible for *internet-drafts*,
*or* for standards that can exist without harming harming each other.
When the "mangling EHs on the fly" flower blooms, the IPv6 flower fades.
I could ask the question: can IPv6 routers remove EHs on the fly?
The IPv6 architecture implies that it doesn't. But there's a PS (not
just Info or Experimental) about that -- so yes, they do.
The whole point of having an architecture is that it guides the
development of specs. When it doesn't, the "architecture" is just words
on paper.
Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fgont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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