On 1/6/21 1:48 PM, Salz, Rich wrote:
No it does not, if it comes at a cost of impairing broad participation in IETF.
- I guess I'm wondering: what are the actual virtues of github (other than that some people are already familiar with it)
You brush that aside as if it’s of no consequence. GitHub claims As of January 2020, GitHub reports having over 52 million users and more than 28 million public repositories. Since we want to engage the open source community, it behooves to make accomodations, rather than try to say “use this, it’s better.” Fortunately, the accommodation is something the IETF has already approved, and left use of to individual working groups.
- But mostly, to me, github looks like a huge impediment
By my reckoning, you’re in the rough here. Even if the entire IETF community agreed with you – and they don’t – the percentage would still be a round-off error and approximates to zero.
Actually, you're in the rough here. Several people have
expressed reservations about github which you disregard with a
wave of your hand. But it really doesn't matter, because we're
having a discussion not a consensus call.