Il 19/11/20 13:52, ned+ietf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ha scritto:
Hi John
As this is quite a political question I will answer it for you.
If the criticisms are narrowly interpreted as being about the front end we
are running then this information implies that they were likely based on an
incorrect interpretation of the issues.
I see. So when I attempted to switch browsers in order to work around an audio
problem and was informed that I could not rejoin the meeting because emailcore
had run over its time slot, even though the meeting was still going on, this
was simply a "misinterpretation of the issues" on my part?
all sessions are configured to terminate 1 hour after the scheduled end
time, and we close the sessions manually when the meeting is actually
over, no matter how much it went overtime. The emailcore session closed
at 08:36:42 UTC, as you can easily spot from the jabber logs:
The recording of that session is still in the uploading queue. Will show
up on YouTube anytime soon and you may want to check that as well.
Also, FYI, there are examples of other sessions that went 15/30 minutes
And no doubt the problem with the calext meeting this morning was also purely
Don't know what PIBKEC means, sorry. If you're referring to the room
only opening at the very start time rather than 10 minutes in advance,
that was because the IETF Jabber server was not functional and we were
holding as the issue was being fixed. I think Jay explained that in an