There are several over lapping issues here. There is PFD for different media involved here. Screen really is different to print. The current PDF is laid out for screen, the same as the HTML version is laid out for screen. There are internal linkages in the TOC to get to the right section in the TOC without page numbers. That is fine for screen. PDF for print the TOC needs page numbers to optimally navigate to the correct page. Navigating by section on page headers, footers is sub-optimal. There really is no reason more forms can’t be produced. Disk space is cheap as is creating links to multiple forms [PDF screen] [PDF A4] [PDF Letter]. For referencing we actually should consider adding paragraph numbers as that should eliminate the perceived need for page numbers by providing finer grained referencing. e.g. Section [Number] Title [Paragraph <number>] If people say page X, just push back with “section (number and title) and paragraph please”. People do learn. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@xxxxxxx