Thanks again for all of the feedback. A revised draft is available [1] that addresses all of the open issues and feedback on this revised draft is now sought. Please note the following: 1. The contentious text has been removed 2. One section, now called "Volunteering in the IETF" contains a minimal set of provisions around volunteering. This is almost identical to a previous section that was not the subject of feedback and has been adjusted to apply to all Covered Individuals with the meaning otherwise unchanged. The key provisions are: - an acknowledgement that anyone can also be a community volunteer - an acknowledgement that some contracts may have restrictions due to the nature of the contract - a requirement to avoid conflict of interest from volunteering - a requirement to make it clear to people what role someone is engaging in 3. The phrase "acting as an individual" is not used as there is an argument that some roles do not allow people to step out of them (mine for example [2]) and this way avoids trying to resolve that or put rules around it. 4. The important sections on "Community Feedback" and "Engagement Mechanisms" remain unchanged. As a reminder, please provide feedback by 26 October 2020 00:00 UTC using any of the following methods: * Raising an issue on the Github repository [3] * Direct to the IETF Executive Director at exec-director@xxxxxxxx * Direct to the IETF LLC Board (not including the IETF Executive Director) at llc-board-only@xxxxxxxx * To the ietf@xxxxxxxx list [1] [2] [3] Jay -- Jay Daley IETF Executive Director jay@xxxxxxxx