NomCom has not approved Suresh or Henrik as Advisors per RFC8713. The main sticking point is the following language in RFC8713 section 4.3: The Chair, liaisons, and advisors do not vote on the selection of candidates. They do vote on all other issues before the committee unless otherwise specified in this document. With the addition of liaisons from every I*, adding Henrik and Suresh would have caused there to be 9 people on NomCom who could influence procedures -- potentially in ways that were undesirable to a majority of the 10 Voting Members. This idea made some people uncomfortable. While the current NomCom will operate under RFC8713 as is, I was wondering if the ietf list might not enjoy discussing how and whether to resolve this for future NomComs. A thought I had was: Is it really necessary for Advisors to have voting privileges "on all other issues before the committee"? Thx, Barbara