On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 12:37 PM John Levine <johnl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In article <CABcZeBO_6vwxn3XTJfJvHGifx-boyKQ2KxVAS2-x-i5NFKpd9w@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> you write:
>First, I think you are wrong on the merits. I do not believe that support
>for IPv6 (nor DNSSEC, nor TLS 1.3) should be a primary criterion for
>selecting tools. It may make us sad that these technologies are not being
>adopted at a faster rate but I don't think that inconveniencing ourselves
>in order to make a statement is the right answer.
I happen to agree with this sentiment but I really wish we could give
this endless argument a rest.
It's come up over and over for at least a decade, we have never come close
to resolving it, and we're not going to do it right now.
I totally agree, which is why I avoided responding to this thread for so long. However, I thought it was worth responding to clarify what I took to be the appropriate role of the LLC in this, and I figured if I was going to do that, I should probably be transparent about the merits.