Yes, yes, I know this is not w3c, hear me out if you will.
A while back, I started trying to implement a webauthn client and server
to test it out to see if it was really the answer to our HOBA (rfc 7486)
experimental rfc. The answer seems to be yes and no. From what I can
tell webauthn is extremely centered on solving the problem of using
crypto frobs to sign bits to be put on the wire. Local credential stores
(ie, private keys sitting on your disk) seem to have been either out of
scope, or mostly ignored. I tried to get it to work on Chrome and
Firefox, and it seems that Chrome doesn't have the ability at all, and
Firefox requires an about:flag that enables it. I was not able to get it
to work.
This is really dismaying because local credential stores are completely
adequate for a huge number of cases. If deployed it could substantially
reduce the reuse of passwords, allowing users to just remember one
really good local password to open their credential store. The other
part about introducing crypto frobs is that it makes the entire protocol
much more difficult to understand and deploy. I wrote code way back then
with the HOBA stuff, and webauthn was really hard to understand even
though I knew what was happening at a high level. W3C has since then
also released WebCrypto which gives apps the ability to roll their own
public key auth between browser clients and server auth backends. I had
implement some flows between client and server for joins, logins, and
enrolling new devices once you have joined. As it turned out, the actual
code to implement it was really straightforward: it took me about a day
to back integrate webcrypto into my old krufty JS RSA libraries that I
had scrounged years ago.
So here's the question: the flows that I created are definitely over the
wire. But they are over the wire between really one party, the web site
owner, since they control the code (= server, client js) on both ends.
However as everybody knows, security is not easy so getting those flows
*correct* is very hard. I have some experience here, and it's mainly
telling me that I'm sure I got things wrong. So what is the policy
within IETF where a site could roll their own, but really shouldn't
because it ought to be vetted? Is standardizing such a thing in scope
in IETF or other standards bodies? Because at its heart is not
interoperability across implementation, but vetting a security design
that goes over the wire.
PS: I am in no way bashing on w3c. they solved a hard problem, but it
seems they left out or ignored the one I was hoping they'd solved along
the way.
PPS: I have an implementation of this running, and a github repo if
anybody is interested in seeing what I did