Well, you've certainly grasped the technologies available then! You're clearly a trend-setter. I wonder how many people will follow you in using domain names instead of IP addresses... :-)Well as many people hate IP addresses, I have it under a new domain name...
I'm sorry, this has been dropped onto ietf@xxxxxxxx without any background information having been given. Can you please just explain quickly:We cannot use ISTF because it is linked to an ISOC past with a special purpose and meaning, also after reading everybody contributions in this list and from the ISOC board, I don't think ISTF need to be resurrected. I don't think ISTF will be resurrected.
1. Why are you doing this, what has it got to do with IETF, and why can't this role be directly fulfilled by ISOC?
2. How does it relate directly to the IETF processes?
In other words, what has this got to do with me, or any of the other people on ietf@xxxxxxxx?
Now, following Fred Baker ideas, I don't think we should have any task.If you don't aim to acheive anything, it's impossible to fail! :-)
Who are we to recommend things as Mike Todd suggests?End-users. We're end-users of the Internet. Everybody who uses it should be entitled to join any body that determines it's future, and any body that has influence that is free to join therefore has the right to recommend actions for it's future. Think of it as an abstract form of democracy. I live in the UK and Paliament has every right to pass laws because I voted them into that position, and likewise if I want to become a politician I can do so and pass my own laws... Same thing here, except you actually need a clue to participate in IETF rather than just look good kissing babies.
Hey, why not just make everything a Wiki? In fact, why don't we do that with the IETF RFCs! :-)-Any person can participate (no committee reviewing, just peer acceptance) -Release often, release Early (post your drafts online and let people modify it)
Well, so who are we? We are just a group of people who have some influence in our fields, so we are a force, an Internet Force:
Do you have costumes like the Power Rangers? Have you seen the film "Delta Force"? That film rocks. Can we be a bit like that? :-)
documents as official ISOC. I think it will be better that way: We write many documents, and some reach ISOC status letting the board decide which one it likes...
So, in effect, if I sign up and work on those documents, all I get is the oppurtunity to gas off with no recognised way of my thoughts becoming policy or recommendations of anybody who can actually affect a real outcome? I'm sorry, what would my motivation for that be? To make myself feel important? To add another paragrapg to my CV that has no meaning?
You really are turning this into a wiki.... crikey.PS: Ian, I'm updating the various pages... suggest you spend some time in the sandbox or on doc.tikiwiki.org to learn more on the Interface (true for all) ;)
-- Paul Robinson