On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 11:04:21 PST, David Morris said: > > The point of [ietf] has little to do with programatic filters and much to > do with human visual filtering. Seeing the list tag in the list of > subjects provided in the index list provided by my mail client makes > human prioritization much easier. Headers are for programs, subject > content is for humans. There is a need though you may not feel the need. Procmail is your friend :0 *^Return-path:.*owner-ietf@xxxxxxxx { :0 * ^Subject:\/.+ OLDSUB="$MATCH" :0 hwf | formail -I "Subject: [ietf] $OLDSUB" } It can probably be done more simply - I'm just winging it here. (Yes, I know procmail isn't available on a certain popular system. I don't have much sympathy for the position that the IETF list should do substandard things in order to support people who insist on using substandard tools.) Proper chasing of Message-Id: and References: will even allow visualisation of threading for off-list replies with changed Subject: lines, which is obviously not anything the IETF mail server can help with.
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