It appears the word "market" is overloaded with lots of social/political ideology so rather than go down that road, let me redirect the point by simply observing that running code allows the designer(s) to get feedback about a design and its implementation implications, which is the point about "letting the market decide". Many can imagine a "better" design for some problem space, according to some fitness bias we have, but imagining a "better" design doesn't help unless it can be run and produce results, against the fitness bias the consumers of a solution have.<snip>
the market has sight. market analysts have hind-sight.The fore-sight of any role is constrained by assumptions. An engineer who
engineering is about fore-sight. therein lies a world of
difference in roles and responsibilities.
designs a building to withstand a collision with a 707 suddenly has a lot
more hindsight (than fore-sight) when it is hit with a 767. So let's
acknowledge there is no such thing as perfect fore-sight for any role, only
better or worse given a set of assumptions.
there is no perfect foresight. there is no perfect hindsight either. nor is the market either efficient or reliable at choosing good solutions.
There is nothing wrong with basing an implementation on previous experience and foresight, but there are many things which are more complex than what we can readily understand and therefore our foresight is limited - our implementation experience helps here. This is the age old debate about waterfall vs iteration - probably another dead end discussion point.
ack. so as usual, there are no absolutes and a fair amount of subjective judgement, which I guess is the reason why discussion occurs.
but we are probably better off using some combination of foresight,
hindsight, and market forces than by excluding any of these or relying on any of these exclusively.