Christian Huitema wrote: [..] > Well, who made us kings? a track record of being decent engineers. which is why most of us are ignored when we offer legal advice, and some of us are acknowledged when we offer clues on networking. (true, others of us are merely princes, pages or court jesters, but still...) > It is one thing to work and publish designs > that hopefully will be good. that's a good way to be crowned a king, yes. > It is quite another to judge someone else's > design and brand it bad. it is called critique. even vendors go through internal processes designed to weed out bad product ideas, poorly thought out features, nasty implementation trade-offs.... (academics have a similar, imperfect process called peer review. nothing new here.) > It is far better to let the market be judge. who blessed "the market" with engineering insight? the market has sight. market analysts have hind-sight. engineering is about fore-sight. therein lies a world of difference in roles and responsibilities. cheers, gja -- Grenville Armitage I come from a LAN downunder.