On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 21:48:23 EDT, shogunx said: > If you have $2500 to ante up for the allocation. If the $2,500 is a stumbling block, you're probably WAY undercapitalized for the project in the first place.... Why do you need your own allocation? Either because you're getting pretty big, or you want to multihome a /26 or some such tiny allocation. Let's say you're getting big enough to want your own /19 - even if you're in a / 20 and growing, that's still 4,000 machines (either your own or customers).. plus admin salaries, rent, etc, you're a fairly good sized business. That $2500 shouldn't be a breaking cost - if it is, you're close to failing already and need to be thinking about consolidating, not expanding... If you're tiny and trying to multihome, and can't afford $2500, you're probably not going to be able to afford the router and 2 or more leased lines, and the expertise to do it - you probably should be looking at a colo instead.
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