I posted a message a while back about using or writing specialized tools for IETF/IRTF WGs/RGs. Unfortunatly it got lost in the Verisign discussion. I wanted to repost my original message to see if anyone has any comments on this topic. My original message appears below.
Yakov -------------------- Hi,
I co-chair the ASRG at the IRTF and we have been looking around for some software to help us manage our group's website. Due to the large size of our RG and many proposals being submitted to it, we have been looking at a document repository primarily, with some additional tools that might help as well. Dave Willis of SIP WG has developed some document management tools that are used on their site (http://www.softarmor.com/sipwg/) which we have been considering using as well. However, their tools do not interface with the IETF's Internet draft database because they support other formats besides ASCII, PDF and PS. The Internet drafts tools provided by the IETF itself have been insufficient for our purposes.
My questions to you folks is whether the IETF/IRTF has been considering using or developing some form of software for managing working groups and research groups aside from what is being used now. Have folks considered taking existing open source software and adapting it for the IETF? I am sure that there are plenty of coders and volunteers in the IETF/IRTF that can cook something up.
Well, just a thought....