--On 24. september 2003 19:51 -0400 Dean Anderson <dean@av8.com> wrote:
Goodwins law has been invoked, so seems all points have been made, that can be made. I have received a number of off-list encouragment messages, but no off-list hate mail. Unlike many IETF discussions, this one was rather civil.
I wonder if the complaints you mention are simply meant to suppress the reasonably articulate opposition I bring against your position in the IETF commentary. Given your IETF commentary letter and its lack of factual statements and genuine harms, it seems likely to be the latter. However, email lists aren't the only way to counter such irrational positions. As I've said many times previously, FUD doesn't stand the test of time.
and as I've said a few times previously, repeating an argument does not make it more true.
FWIW, the IAB position statement (NOT an IETF statement - read the text) has had largely positive feedback, a number of comments that it is not harsh enough, and a number of additional examples of actual harm done.
If you have some facts to contribute that you want considered in further work on this issue in the IAB, I'm sure you know the IAB's email address as well as I do.