I have ordered no block on Shelby Moore's postings.
Shelby Moore's previous rant is in the list archives: <http://www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/ietf/Current/msg22190.html>
A possible reason might be that previous Shelby Moore postings came from coolpage@earthlink.net, while the latest rants came from shelby@coolpage.com; like nearly every other mailing list on the Net, the IETF list sends nonsubscribers' posts to a moderator; unlike many, most non-spam postings are eventually approved. But the process takes some time.
--On 12. september 2003 12:54 +0800 Shelby Moore <shelby@coolpage.com> wrote:
However, keep in mind that the spam can't be TOO randomized and still convey a message
BTW, in addition to my previous rebuttal of Valdis (which seems to be blocked from the list by Harald again), I keep forgetting to mention that terrorists might be the likely source of a future virus which effectively shuts down the email system permanently by evading all antispam and overwhelming legit email.
Their economic incentive would be to disrupt the economies in the West where there is heavy reliance on the internet email for business.
Given that the Taliban is against all forms of modern technology in daily life (yet are astute at using it to fight), I think this is a very real possibility.
Shelby Moore http://AntiViotic.com