> But, it's hard to have sympathy for your >whining That is interesting interpretation of my winning a debate so completely that no one has been able to poke one logic hole in the serious anti- spam thread I started: http://www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/ietf/Current/msg22035.html Instead I think you must be referring to the person who started this silly thread. > when you are told by _several_different_people_ that this idea >has flaws. Which have all been resolutely refuted and defeated ad nauseum by me. > I am usually just a lurker here, but this thread doesn't look like >it is going anywhere useful, Makes you kind of wonder why Vernon posted a silly, condescending thread doesn't it. If you can't beat me with logical debate, then resort to other tactics... > and it has lost it's entertainment value. That is an interesting interpretation of condescending. >In fact, while your posts can't really be considered spam, And yours, and Vernons and everybody else who got suckered in by the person who started this condescending thread which has no engineering value. Shelby Moore http://AntiViotic.com