unless there is a reason why that host should not be using v6 services, hmm?
because it works now?
But for some boxes only if I use NAT, and having to use NAT makes for a liberal definition of "works".
v6 has one salient feature, more address space. religious selling does not help the case for v6. make it work simply and directly, not through 42 hacks. get router, dsl, ... vendors to support it. then it will be used.
So when everyone else is running IPv6, the IETF will start doing it too? Not good enough. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The proof of the protocol is in running production traffic over it.
The IETF www server uses Apache2 which supports IPv6 just fine, BTW. As do all the major OS vendors and a good number of router vendors. If there is a reason why it is not a good idea to run www.ietf.org over IPv6 at this point in time: no big deal. "It works now" doesn't qualify as such a reason, IMO.
But I see psg.com (which handles mail for ops.ietf.org) now actually accepts connections on port 25 as per the MX and AAAA records that have been in place for a long time so I guess there is progress.