richard> Vendors must be compliant by Oct 1 richard> For those of us around to remember ADA: phase 1: *ALL* coding for DOD/GOv must be done in ADA phase 2: Gee, no compliant ADA compilers and not enough ADA coders. Ok, Must be ADA (or C). phase 3: What's ADA? Let's also stroll down memory lane and think about TP4/CLNS with CMIP. How many governments are running it as their exclusive backbone? >From the article above: "The evolution toward the new standard must be taken into account for all purchases starting Oct. 1, Stenbit, assistant secretary of defense for networks and information integration, told the armed services in a memo." "must be taken into account" "Gee, we can't buy what we need in IPv6 only. Guess we'll still use IPv4 and use IPv6 where it works." The more things change...