The incentive for IPv6 adopters is obvious - they'll use IPv6 to do things they cannot do with IPv4.
Obviously that would be a very good reason to adopt IPv6, but due to the ever evolving hacks in IPv4 there is very little you absolutely, positively cannot do in IPv4. Other reasons to adopt IPv6 are that it's cool (I mean it - for some people this is all the reason they need), because it's The Right Thing To Do, to impress governments that require or desire it and finally, because it makes life easier in some respects. Personally, I love the way I can connect to a router or host over IPv6, completely screw up IPv4 addressing and routing and fix it again without fear of locking myself out.
And, if IETF gets its act sufficiently together early enough, the capability for someone who doesn't qualify for PI space under current IPv4 rules to do multihoming
At some point in the future when IPv6 becomes reasonably common but before people start to ditch IPv4, you get to multihome by connecting to the net over IPv4 and IPv6 through different networks. This works very well and doesn't have any of the scaling issues that current multihoming has.