Hi, I am new to SNMP/MIBs, so am trying to keep my head above water at the moment. I would like to implement three simple MIB objects to monitor the following; SSL enabled/disabled (read only MIB object) SSL port number (read only) IPsec enabled/disabled (read only) There does not appear to be any RFCs for either SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or IPsec, only draft documents. I have found a high level IPsec Flow Monitoring MIB draft document. I can't find any sort of 'IPsec enabled/disabled' MIB object? Similarly, would we be required to implement all the mandatory MIB objects or not? With regards to SSL, I have looked at the draft document for this but it I am struggling to understand the descriptions of the MIB objects, as they don't seem to be laid out as they are in RFCs... Also, I am specifically after SSL and not TLS. If anybody can help I'd be much obliged? Regards Stuart