=>-----Original Message----- =>From: owner-ietf@ietf.org [mailto:owner-ietf@ietf.org] On =>Behalf Of Anthony Atkielski (...) => =>Children are not interested in porn, so spamming them with it =>isn't nearly as harmful as their elders would like to =>believe. Only adults care about sex. => (...) Anthony, This sounds quite dangerous a way of thinking to me. And proven to be quite erroneous : look at how the cigarette manufacturers focus on youth as the ideal target for advertising. They know they must attack them very young to bind them on the long run and make them addicted customers later, when they are grown-up. So, in short : *maybe* only adults care about cigarettes and sex (not sure of), but I think both are - or could be - the target of choice for advertisers, because it seems that when you catch them young enough, you create a bigger, deeper addiction. E.T. P.S.: and it appears to be similar with alcohol, candies, cars, computers, drugs, gambling, guns, pets, etc.