While I agree with you on the importance of the topic, I do not believe you in any way invalidated the message to which you replied. Is the subject important? YES. Is it within the scope of the IETF? YES. Has anyone identified the scope of the problem, or defined its exact nature? NO. Does anyone really agree with anyone else on this topic? NO, at least not thus far in the discussion. Is it currently under discussion elsewhere? YES. Do we expect to resolve anything by continuing this discussion here at this time? If you do, then I suggest you need to re-evaluate the (mostly degenerated, just barely above name calling) messages to date.
Again, the subject itself has great value to us all, but the current discussion does not, other than a release of written steam, if you will, which all of us are being subjected to, in some cases against our wishes. While I realize I am capable of deleting everything even mentioning SPAM from the ietf list, I would point out that I did so this morning already, when I (after not checking email for 12 hours) had 140+ such items to delete. This is getting nowhere fast, and I reiterate the request to take it offline, please.
Bryan A. Linder IT Consultant, DDS (sub Lockheed Martin at the USDN SPAWAR-ITC)
Right now, there is probably no other greater problem with the Internet than
spam. That sounds more than important enough to justify discussion here.
You can delete any messages that mention spam, if you want.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Keith Moore" <moore@cs.utk.edu> To: <ietf@ietf.org> Cc: <moore@cs.utk.edu> Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 19:29 Subject: please move the spam discussion elsewhere
> It's not that spam isn't an important problem, nor that it's entirely > out of scope for IETF. But the lack of agreement on the nature of the > problem, along with the level of naivete in these discussions, suggest > that it will be a long time before these discussions can hope to bear > useful fruit. And this isn't a particularly effective venue to work > on that problem. > > If nothing else, the NSRG antispam research group has been talking about > this for several months, and there's no point in repeating the same > arguments on the IETF list that they've been having over there. > > see https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/asrg > > >
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