> From: "Anthony Atkielski" <anthony@atkielski.com> > Once you are charging for e-mail, it's only a matter of time before you > are charging for everything. Instead of having free access to the > entire net for $9 a month, you'll have paying access for $190 in > itemized billing each month, depending on exactly what you do and how > much you do it. This is such an incredibly lame argument I shouldn't need to refute it, but for the benefit of those who actually believe this ludicrous claim, I will point out that this is akin to saying: If toll roads exist, it's only a matter of time before you are charging for driving anywhere. Instead of having free access to the entire road network, you'll have paying access for $XXX in itemized billing each month, depending on exactly what you do and how much you do it. Needless to say, toll roads exist, but billed road use doesn't. Noel