Bill Manning [mailto:bmanning@ISI.EDU] wrote: > % David R. Oran wrote: > % > % > Did anybody consider just handing out a /48 (or a bit smaller) > % > automagically with each DNS registration? > % > % I proposed a couple of times a /32 from which /48 can be requested > % for 'private' (never to be connected to the internet) purposes. > % I think some others have proposed a similar thing. But the opposers > % think that it won't be 'free' then... but they will be unique :) > > Been there, Done it, Bought everything. > SRInic was told to split the assignments into a "connected/unconnected" > database back in the day. It was ugly when folks figured that they > really wanted to be connected and passed muster. renumbering was less > fun in the late 1980s than today. > Never want to re-introduce this concept unless/until we can get to the > point of being able to painlessly renumber the entire Internet every > 20 minutes. That eliminates this 'solution'. History is bound to repeat in these cases. Thus IMHO folks will just need to allocate some random space or get it out some assigned space. > Now where are those ""renumbering in IPv6 is easy" cookies. Some other old stories made those crumble also :) The renumbering isn't the part that is difficult, though it's all the configuration items around it that's the burden. Greets, Jeroen