I'm working on a companion to draft-ietf-problem-issue-statement-00.txt, which instead of focusing on the problems of the IETF, celebrates and attempts to preserve what is positive and is working about the IETF. We need to ensure that as we attempt to identify problems that we also identify which things we wish to keep. I was asked to start on this document at the IESG Open Plenary in San Francisco Wednesday night, and I'd like to create at least a solid outline of a document by Friday morning's Problem Statement WG session at 9am. So if you can please email me a short email answering at least one of these questions, it would help me very much. A short paragraph on just one is all I ask! * What is "Best" about the IETF? * What do I get out of the IETF that is the most valuable to me? * What "ideals" does the IETF attempt to exemplify that I'd like not to be lost? * What excites me about participating in the IETF? * What makes IETF better then other standards organizations? * What part of the IETF "process" do I feel is the key to why the IETF works? * What one "story" from my experience with the IETF exemplifies what is best about the IETF? Please email me at ChristopherA@AlacrityManagement.com with your answers, and I will send the summary to the problem-statement@alvestrand.no discussion list for further discussion. Thank you! -- Christopher Allen ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. Christopher Allen Alacrity Management .. .. <ChristopherA@AlacrityManagement.com> 1563 Solano Ave. #353 .. .. o510/649-4030 f510/649-4034 Berkeley, CA 94707 ..